Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Recap: Avalon Organic Vitamin C Serum

I am sorry to say this did not pass the test.  I wanted to love the product especially since I spent over $20.00 on it at Target, but the rotten orange aroma and fact that I broke out on my chin a day or two after using it just didn't cut it for me.  After further research, I found, this product did have a lot of followers back in the day but apparently the company has changed the formulation and along with that came an off odor and a sticky residue. Well, they can't all be great. That's why I buy and try beforehand. I hope to save you all $22.00 on this an perhaps put that money towards a new BB creme or primer for your skin. Sorry Avalon but you just did not get my vote. :(

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